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CHP plants are complex systems. In case of poor planning or execution, the heat and power supply could be disturbed.
Due diligence analyses is provided to investors and operators.
In advance the planned plant will be benchmarked against proven solutions and it will be evaluated whether the proposed design will adhere to the expectations. By the creation of planning and tender documents based upon the latest scientific findings, as well as the state of the art and the relevant technical guidelines.
For operators, the complex relationships between the operation of a CHP, the ambient conditions and the maintenance cycles are analysed.
For example, a permanently high combustion temperature, caused by an inadequate motor setting, it can lead to damage to components such as cylinder head or exhaust gas turbocharger.
Unsatisfactory oil cooling in the long term reduces the lubricity of the oil, after which it can come to major engine damages. In these and many other respects I support CHP operator to find the optimum settings and service intervals, by doing so a secure, trouble-free and economic CHP operation is ensured.


  • Due diligence analysis
  • Planning of CHP plants
  • Creation of functional tenders
  • Construction supervision of CHP plants
  • Recording and evaluation of energy profiles
  • Economic efficiency calculation
  • Optimization of plant technology


  • Evaluation of oil analysis and advice on how to proceed
  • Analysis of malfunctions and causes of malfunction of CHP
  • Optimisation of CHP plants
  • Review of maintenance and service contracts
  • Commissioning of CHP and CHP plants

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